Have you ever had a problem and created a solution in a matter of minutes? Well, that’s what happened with this DIY jewelry organizer. My jewelry was a mess and I didn’t have anywhere to store my favorite necklaces and earrings.

One afternoon, I had a crazy idea to use an old picture frame, some paint stir sticks and a few hooks to create a DIY jewelry organizer and it solved my problem instantly.
This isn’t fancy, but it looks pretty for displaying necklaces and dangly earrings.

Check out the video to see how I made it here.
Like I mentioned, all I used was an old picture frame that was in our basement. The frame was missing the glass, and I held on to it because I’m a thrift crafter and I knew I’d find a use for it.
Since we were in the middle of painting all of the bedrooms in our house, I had a ton of paint stir sticks laying around. I painted the stir sticks and the frame white and then used hot glue to secure the stir sticks on the back of the frame.

I added a little black wax to the frame to bring out the textured design.
Finally, I added 8 hooks to the bottom. I did have to add extra paint sticks on the back of where I mounted the hooks because of the size of the screws.
This was such a simple solution that literally cost me nothing (I had everything I needed in my basement).

Not only does this DIY jewelry organizer solve my problem, but it looks really pretty! Do you have a passion for DIY and crafting? If so, CLICK HERE to learn how to turn your DIY hobby into a legit business!
Hopefully this inspires you to solve a problem at your home with things you already have.