Halloween takes on a new meaning when you have kids. I’ve never been a big Halloween person, maybe because I get scared REALLY easily and don’t like the scary side of Halloween. When your kids are young though, Halloween is all about dressing up in cute or silly costumes, going trick-or-treating and eating candy. Looking cute, socializing with neighbors and eating chocolate; now THAT’S my kind of holiday!! In addition to dressing the kids up, I also made a Halloween Costume for a Wagon.

Halloween Costume For A Wagon
Our neighborhood has a little Halloween Parade where all the kids get together and then “parade” down the street before going house-to-house to collect candy. Last year, I simply ordered a costume off of the Disney website for our oldest who was into Planes: Fire and Rescue at the time. Our youngest was only 9 months and couldn’t walk, so I had to get creative with his costume. I decided to make a Halloween costume for a wagon, and was able to incorporate the wagon into our Halloween theme of Planes!
The Wagon
My mom had bought the boys this red flyer wagon just a couple of weeks before Halloween, so I decided to incorporate the wagon into the boys’ Halloween costumes. By incorporating the wagon, this would solve the problem of our youngest not being able to walk, and also make our lives a little easier by containing our oldest.
Since we were going with the Planes theme, I built a Dusty Crophopper plane around the wagon. The boys piloted the plane; our oldest wore his Dusty flight suit and our youngest was The Skipper.
How to Make a Halloween Costume for a Wagon
The key to constructing the plane was to use the box that the wagon came in. This was the easiest way to ensure the box would be large enough to cover the outside of the wagon. I cut the top and bottom flaps off of the box and then painted the box orange and white to look like Dusty. To make the blue stripes and accents on the plane, I used blue painters tape .
I ran into a dilemma when I was tasked with getting the box to stay up around the wagon. After scouring my garage; I had a light bulb moment, and found a piece of wood which I taped the wings onto. I then cut slits in the sides of the box, slipped the wings through and voila! The wood sat on top of the wagon and held the box up. To make the propeller, I used pieces of cardboard; some spray-painted black and some pieces covered with aluminum foil. The eyes are made from the ends of an old pool noodle. I happened to have orange duct tape, so I used tape in places that needed a little more structural support.
Although this plane was not FAA approved, it was a hit for Halloween! The wagon was great for the neighborhood parade and worked well for trick-or-treating. My oldest even laid out his candy on the wings to take inventory.
Making a Halloween costume for a wagon is a great way to up your Halloween game. If you have little ones and want to take them trick-or-treating, making a Halloween costume for a wagon is so much better than carrying your kid, their costume and their candy all through the neighborhood!
Side Note: The costume stayed on the wagon for about a week after Halloween because the boys want to take wagon rides in Dusty!