Do you go all out for Halloween? I feel like there are "Halloween people" and "not-so-much" Halloween people. If you pass by a house owned by Halloween people, expect to have the bejesus scared out of ya! Then there are the people who just decorate for fall and place a jack-o-lantern on the front porch and call it Halloween (we fit into that category). Our kids are still little and not into scary Halloween stuff...yet. So we keep it simple and not-so-scary. This year I made a DIY Halloween ... View Post
Easy DIY Christmas Countdown Sign
Hello friends! Welcome to my Christmas in July series! Today I want to show you a quick and easy DIY Christmas Countdown sign. I made this sign in a matter of minutes using Chalk Couture. If you are new to Upright and Caffeinated, first of all, WELCOME! So glad you stopped by. If you have no idea what Chalk Couture is, read this♥ I am loving Christmas in July this year. Apparently it is over 100 degrees all over the south right now. Just thinking about Christmas will make you feel ... View Post
Introducing Chalk Couture
I have a big announcement! Introducing Chalk Couture and the newest Chalk Couture Designer! That's right, I have joined Chalk Couture and I am so excited to share these amazing DIY products with you. Check out my store! Scroll all the way down to watch the video! If you have never heard of Chalk Couture, let's start from the beginning. Chalk Couture is a versatile home decor/ DIY product that is easy to use with amazing results. There is Chalkology paste (non-permanent chalk paste) and ... View Post