Welcome! If you are looking for a comprehensive gift guide for your hockey-loving family members, you are in the right place! I'm going to skip all the fluff and get right to the recommendations. I have broken down this gift guide in to four parts: Hockey Player, Hockey Goalie, Hockey Mom and Hockey Dad. Sure, there's some overlap and of course, don't let my arbitrary categorizing stop you from buying from a different list, but I thought this was the best way to simplify this massive gift ... View Post
How to Keep Hockey Gear from Smelling
I’m in a bunch of hockey mom groups on Facebook and one of the posts that comes up almost weekly is a complaint about kids’ stinky hockey gear followed by a question on how to keep hockey gear from smelling. I’m here to tell you there ARE ways to help prevent stinky hockey gear. Both of my boys play hockey and my husband plays in two different adult leagues, so we are well-versed in how to prevent hockey gear from smelling. The key to non-smelly hockey gear is PREVENTION. There are products ... View Post