Are you heading to Disney World? We are planning our second trip right now and it got me thinking of all the Disney World Tips that I have come across among various websites and resources. Today, I am sharing where to find the best Disney World Tips from my FAVORITE experts!
This will be our second trip to Disney World as a family. My husband went a few times when he was a kid and my parents took us back in the summer of 1990.
A lot has changed since 1990. When we went almost 30 years ago, we used the Unofficial guide to Disney World as our only resource. Back in the day, to make a reservation at a restaurant in Disney, you went up to a kiosk and made a reservation when you arrived to the park in the morning. Or just show up and wait for a table (the old school way).
Now there are apps like My Disney Experience that help you plan your entire trip! “But where do I start?”, you might ask…here’s what I have pulled together for you.
Where To Find The BEST Disney World Tips
The Tim Tracker
Let’s start with my absolute favorite Disney World resource (and experts). Tim and Jenn from The Tim Tracker on YouTube. They are a couple from the Orlando area and vlog about all the parks in Florida (and even Disney parks in other countries!). Tim and Jenn are by far experts on Disney World. Their videos are full of helpful tips, sneak peeks and entertaining information. The Tim Tracker is also very FAMILY FRIENDLY. You will not hear a bad word or anything defamatory on their channel. We stream The Tim Tracker regularly at our house and have no worries that our boys (5 years and 3 years) are in the room.
Make sure to check out older videos to see Tim’s famous mustache!
The Disney Food Blog
Before making any reservations, check out The Disney Food Blog. This is another of my favorite resources. Tons of recommendations on restaurants, snacks and where to find specialty food items. Their Instagram feed is mouth-watering!
The Shabby Creek Cottage
The Shabby Creek Cottage might seem like an unlikely resource for Disney World Tips, but definitely on the top of my list. Gina, creator and owner of the fabulous blog which shares creative ways to eat, make and decorate is also a huge Disney fan. She and her husband are season pass-holders and make regular trips to Orlando. Gina’s Disney World Tips are full of time-saving and money-saving tips and hacks. One of my favorite posts is this one where she shares more than 50 hacks for a more magical vacation.
Disney Tourist Blog
Another Disney-loving couple own Disney Tourist blog. They are based out of California, so lots of tips, tricks and hacks for Disneyland, but they also have lots of information that is good to know for BOTH Disneyland and Walt Disney World in Orlando. For instance, this post on what to pack is great for visiting any Disney park!
Disney Parks Blog
Disney Parks Blog is actually run by Disney. I love this site for information like what rides are closed due to refurbishment or the latest news on when new attractions are opening. Disney Parks Blog also has a topic filter at the top of their site which makes it extremely easy to find what you are looking for!
Do you have a favorite Disney resource? Tell me in the comments!